

UCC Enterprise SEAI & HEA Pathfinder Deep Retrofit

The University College Cork Enterprise Building Energy Pathfinder project has reached a major milestone. The upgrade of the West Block was completed in 2023, the East Block will be completed summer 2024. This follows extensive energy analyses, detailed design and a competitive procurement process.

The final design of the energy and decarbonisation project includes:

· Wrapping the walls in external insulation

· Insulating the underside of the metal deck roof

· Installing new double-glazed windows and doors

· Improving the air tightness levels

· Installing mechanical heat recovery ventilation units

· Installing a ground source heat pump.

The combination of measures will improve this 1980 building’s BER from D2 to B1.

The measures here are similar to what many people are undertaking in their own homes, and the impact on the BER is also similar.
During the detailed design and energy challenge phase other options were considered, such as the installation of a rooftop Solar PV array; doing so would have brought the building to an A-rating. However, to facilitate the installation of a roof mounted PV system would require upgrading the roof now in order for it to match the 25 year lifespan of the PV array.

The project was funded under the Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation Pathfinder Programme (EEDPP). The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) and the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) are co-funding the programme. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and Higher Education Authority are administering the programme.

Butler Cammoranesi architects and design team lead; PowerTherm Solutions, M&E Design and energy consultants; AECOM Quantity Surveyors. Conack Construction were appointed following a competitive tender process.

UCC Enterprise

01 2784388

Rock Hill, Main St, Blackrock, Co. Dublin